Relinquishment Information
1. Allbreedrescuenetwork.com Look for a listing that best fits the breed you are trying to re-home. Many rescues will list your dog but ask you to foster it until they can find it a suitable home.
2. Rescueme.org and list your dog for free.
If you have adopted an animal from RMPR, we will need to have you email us directly to explain your situation. Please contact us at info@rmpuppyrescue.org or rmpradoptions@gmail.com.
As a foster based rescue – RMPR may not be in a position to accept returned adoptions immediately. We cannot accept your return animal without additional information from you and the opportunity to assess your dog’s behavior. If we do not have a suitable foster home to place your dog – we can advise other resources for you. All returns happen on SATURDAYS with a pre-arranged appointment. We will not accept any animal without prior arrangement.
In order to return you must do the following:
1. Take your dog or puppy to the vet the week prior to return.
2. Your animal must be up to date on vaccines prior to return.
3. You must provide us with your original Rocky Mountain Puppy Rescue paperwork.
4. RMPR does not issue refunds of fees for returned animals. We can provide you with a tax deductible receipt.
5. Returns only happen by appt and we cannot guarantee they will happen within your time frame. We will work to find a foster home. We reserve the right to refuse a return based on behavior.